This scene is set before my first scene, when Mrs Farley is just beginning her Affair with the King and Nell has only just joined the theatre company.
My character is very cold and vindictive towards Nell and does not seem to take to her very well. My character and Mrs Farley are quite friendly together in this scene, and it begins with myself and Lucy on stage tying each other's corset laces up and discussing what they got up to the night before. You learn that my character is having an affair with the earl of Oxford, but it is not very solid and appears to be quite strange.
I prefer this scene to the first one as the characters have a much better rapport in this scene and the relationships are much more clear and I like how light hearted this scene is, and really shows how the women are when they are not on stage.
We ran through the scene a few times, and then decided to start blocking and began staging the scene. We have made a vast improvement in today's lesson as I feel very confident about my character and have learned near enough all my lines off by heart.
I have been getting into character a lot better recently and have put a lot of emotions and passion into my character and her situations she gets herself into.
At the end of this scene my character hears rowdy rude men shouting outside the tiring room and confidently goes to "see to them" and comes back and her hair covered in shit and is very upset and shocked, I love this scene as I get so into it and I really empathise with her at this point as she has been having an affair with the earl of Oxford and she goes outside to find that he has sent two me to ruff her up and publicly humiliate her as she has "no manners" as she is a very confident and proud character and never seems to give a damn about what people think about her, so this is like a way of him trying to be little her, and I feel I portray her disdain very well in this scene.
All the characters are really coming to light in this scene and I am really pleasd with today's rehearsals as we have achieved a lot as a group.